Manual Testing or Automation Testing

Here are few points to share on Manual Testing or Automation Testing:

1) Any Automation testing scripts can cover only 60 to 80 % of entire product testing

2) There should be separate team other than testing team to develop and maintain automation test scripts Should never mix testing team and automation test script development team.

3) Automation is good for the products where software product is tending to stable condition and there are marginal feature changes in next coming releases. Here the manual testing team is moved to some other product testing assignment and test scripts are sufficient to check core features of the software product.

4) Automation and manual testing should be of right mix. Manual testing can not be avoided.

5) It is decision of project manager for budgeting the automation test script development.

6) Certainly, there are pros and cons for both manual and automation testing.

7) The decision based on type of the application, type of the resources available[software, hardware and human] , product deliverable time line and most important - the budget.

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